Yes, she is almost 2 and we finally went and got Reagan's ear pierced!! Reagan looks just beautiful with them done. I picked out little pink flowers.......and they look just adorable on her!! When we went into the store Reagan was all happy because there were so many things to look at and AT HER LEVEL she could touch. Then I picked her up and sat her in my lap, we were putting dots on her ears as to where we were going to put the earrings!! Reagan is sitting there happy, and then we DID IT!! I was so proud of her.......yes, she cried but for a very short while. I think we had both of them pierced with in 5 minutes and she was all done crying, too. Of course giving her a sucker helped quite a bit!! Oh, going to eating lunch made her just forget about all of the pain that she just went through. Reagan did a wonderful job and now when we have to "turn HER earrings" she gets to turn my ear rings!! Great trade, I thought.
Unfortunately, the very next day we had to go through trauma, though!! Reagan loves to carry purses and our family was on our way into the church building. Reagan was caring Montana's church bag. Montana walks up next to Reagan to pick up her bag off Reagan's shoulder to carry it (because the bag IS bigger than Reagan) but Reagan insisted that she wanted to carry it!! Montana then put it back on her shoulder........when she did that, the handle clipped Reagan's ear ring and it popped off. The front of the earring going in one direction and the back in the other direction!! Remember......Reagan JUST got her ears pierced the day before......just barley 24 hours!!! I found the back but was having the hardest time finding the cute flower front. We are in the middle of the church parking lot and I am praying for help to find it. Just then the Brown family showed and Brother Brown asked what I was doing and I told him. Within 5 minutes he had found it!! What a blessing he was that day to me. Know it was time for surgery :D Reagan's ear was just bleeding and bleeding and I took her to the bath room to wash the earring and to clean up her ear. I had to use the help of Emily Robinson to hold Reagan's arms down because it was hurting so bad and rightly so.......Reagan wanted NOTHING to do with this. Next, it was time to put the medicine on and put the earring back in her ear. Realize that her earring has been out of her ear for about 15 minutes.......I got the earring in the front of the hole and it was time to push it through to the back!!! The ear had ALREADY started to seal shut.....so I had to poke it through!! I felt sooooooo bad for her, all of this pain and suffering at such a little age and ALL BEFORE CHURCH!! After we got her earring back in and some loves given to her, I then took Reagan outside and said a prayer with her.....one....to bless her for being such a big girl and two...for there would be no infection!! That is what happened......her ear healed perfectly and there was no infection. What a big adventure for such a little.....but VERY stubborn little girl!! I LOVE YOU REAGAN :D
****Again my computer isn't allowing me to post pic's at this time.
I will figure this out and add them later!!****